
This is not a complete list, but just a few of the larger spills in this part of the world over the last decade.
2013 - Mayflower, Arkansas
Company: Exxon
Pipeline: Pegasus (1940s)
Spilled: 500,000 gallons of dilbit
Mayflower, meet Exxon: When oil spilled in an Arkansas town
2013 - Ripley County, Missouri
Company: Exxon
Pipeline: Pegasus (1940s)
Spilled: 40 gallons of dilbit
Exxon says Missouri oil spills from already-ruptured Pegasus line
2013 - Cushing, Oklahoma
Company: Enbridge
Facility: Cushing Storage Facility
Spilled: 105,000 gallons unspecified crude
Latest Pipeline Spill Is Mostly Contained
2012 - Sundre, Alberta, Canada
Company: Plains Midstream Canada ULC
Spilled: 126,000 gallons of light sour crude oil
Natural resources damaged: Red Deer River and Gleniffer Lake
Alberta residents angry after oil spills into nearby lake
2011 - Alberta, Canada
Company: Plains Midstream Canada ULC
Pipeline: Rainbow pipeline
Spilled: 1,170,000 gallons of crude
2nd largest pipeline spill in Alberta history
2011 - Billings, Montana
Company: ExxonMobil
Pipeline: Silvertip Pipeline
Spilled: 63,000 gallons of crude oil
Natural resource damaged: Yellowstone River
US Department of Transportation Report
2010 - Marshall, Michigan
Company: Enbridge
Pipeline: 6B (1950s)
Spilled: 840,000 gallons
Natural resource damaged: 40 miles of the Kalamazoo River. Over 17,000 gallons of dilbit have been removed from the bottom of the river. The pipeline was restarted two months later, but cleanup is still not complete after three years.
Accident report from the National Transportation Safety Board
2006 - Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
Company: British Petroleum
Spilled: 267,000 gallons of oil
Cause: Internal corrosion
BBC: Alaska Hit by 'Massive' Oil Spill
1988 - Gasconade River, Missouri
Company: Shell
Spilled: 840,000 gallons of oil
Cause: Pressure spike
St. Louis Post-Dispatch